




Command line notarization for distribution
We have a desktop application we build using Cmake and Qt to build. I am able to codesign and notarize the app bundle and got "statusSummary": "Ready for distribution", in the log from notarization. I stapled to the .app and used ditto to zip it again but was still getting unidentified developer when I sent it to coworkers to try. I then ran create-dmg to create a dmg to distribute the application since this is our normal distribution method and was getting unverified developer warnings when sending and trying the application on other systems. I guessed that maybe I needed to codesign and notarize the .dmg as well so I did that and again got "statusSummary": "Ready for distribution", in the log but I am still seeing errors when trying to open and run on other systems. is there an order of operations I am missing in the process or a better way for me to test locally because everything I see on my end says its passing the checks.
May ’22