




iCloud on Simulator Questions
Hi My app uses .csv files that can also be loaded by spreadsheets like Numbers, it is not document based. I recently installed the SimpleiCloudDocument Apple sample code on the simulator (logging into my development iCloud account, which is also my personal iCloud account) and my iPhone and set up a new iCloud container based on the bundle id, etc. At first I did not have iCloud Drive enabled on the simulator so I had to restart the demo. After that, SimpleiCloudDocument works as advertised syncing docs on both devices. After working with SimpleiCloudDocument I noticed that all of my own app related .csv files disappeared, even those stored in the Numbers iCloud Drive directory. Other files in unrelated iCloud app folders also disappeared. They are not listed in the "recently deleted". Some files were restored to the directory shortly afterwards, but appeared to be empty. I saw a thread from 3 years ago mentioning problems with iCloud and the iPhone simulator. Has anyone else had more recent problems? Can one safely use the simulator with iCloud testing? Any insights appreciated. Thank you.
Mar ’23