




Urgent Assistance Needed: Unexpected App Removal
Hello Apple Developer Community, I am writing to request urgent support regarding the recent removal of our app, which has been available on the App Store for over a year serving a large user base. We were notified that our app violated Section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, but we have not altered our operations recently and believe this to be a misunderstanding. We have attempted to reach out via email but have not received further details or the opportunity to rectify or discuss the alleged issue. Historically, developers are given a chance to resolve concerns before an app is removed, a courtesy we were unfortunately not extended. We seek clarity on the specific violations and an opportunity to address any issues to comply fully with Apple's guidelines. The removal has significantly impacted our users and our team, and we are committed to resolving this swiftly to restore service to our users. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We look forward to your guidance and support. Below is the notification we received from Apple regarding the termination of our agreements: Apple has terminated the Apple Developer Program License Agreement and the Apple Developer Agreement with our company effective immediately. According to the notice, the reason provided for this action is an alleged violation of Section 3.2(f) of the ADP Agreement, which includes accusations of fraudulent conduct associated with our account. This has led to the immediate cessation of our status as an Apple developer and termination under both the ADP and Developer Agreements.
Apr ’24