When you open Software Update, there should be some text in blue that says something like "additional updates" or something like that. It will be below the Bug Sur entry at the top. Click the link to reveal a sheet showing other beta options. Just did this today. Sorry, no screen shot.
Thanks for helping out. Here is what I am doing://Set the variablevar theIcon:String = ""//Connect the outlet@IBOutlet weak var myAppIcon: NSImageView!//Set name of filelet icon = "icon.txt"//Read the contents of the fileif let dir = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first { let iconURL = dir.appendingPathComponent(icon) do { let myIcon = try String(contentsOf: iconURL, encoding: .utf8) self.theIcon = myIcon print(myIcon) } catch {/* error handling here */} }//Update the UIDispatchQueue.main.async { print("update some UI") self.myAppIcon.image = NSImage(named: self.theIcon) }The file, icon.txt, contains the full name of the file. For example, microsoft.png or printer.png. I can update the file while the app is running and the value is printed to the output window. printers.pngupdate some UIAm i dealing with a new line issue here? Oh my oh my. I am such a doofus. It was the newline! I was using echo to test updating the file and I did not use -n. All along the issue was bad input from the file because I was getting microsoft.png\n not microsoft.png. I am kicking myselft for failing to pay attention to the gapping white space between the logging output.Thank you for making be take a break and also looking at the obvious.