Apple has acknowledged this as a bug. Fortunately, there is a workaround:
Go to the scheme, say Edit Scheme.
Go to Run (Debug) and find the checkbox for View Debugging and deactivate it.
But please file a Feedback on this. In it, you can refer to my report: FB15492822
Hm, I don't understand that second response to the exact same quote!
"having a custom CA that issues certificates for internal servers is a well-trodden path that’s exercised a lot."
Apparently not by Apple QA, then, because that's my setup and it doesn't work on my iOS 18 device. It works under iOS 16.
I generated my own CA, and it does not work under iOS 18. It works fine under iOS 16 on another device.
There's clearly a profound defect in iOS 18 in this area.
This is on a new iPhone 16, but I did transfer settings & data from a phone running iOS 15.
Obviously because he doesn't know they exist. Look at the question. But... thanks for bringing them up.
This worked for me as well. I hope everyone who's had his time wasted by this bug has filed a report.
@JoeKun Thanks for that info. I don't see specifics about that background-audio-mode plist entry in that doc, though. I just says to include it, with no details or any link to details.
I find that MusicKit works on simulators running iOS 16 or later. It only fails on iOS 15 simulators.
Compounding that problem is that Xcode will now not deploy to an actual device running iOS 15. Brilliant.
Thanks for that. Just saw this. I've restructured some things, but I think using .sink to subscribe to an owned object's changes is still relevant.
The workaround in that post did work for me, at least to get breakpoints to work. This is it:
Edit your scheme and check "Wait for the executable to be launched."
Build and run.
Launch the app in the simulator (or, I suppose, on the device).
But it's a PITA because you have to toggle this setting any time you want to rebuild the app onto the simulator or device. Also, print() statements don't work anymore for some reason.
That does indeed work for me. Xcode 15.2 and target is running on an iOS 15.5 simulator. Thanks!
I have non-functioning breakpoints in Xcode 15.2 but I'm targeting iOS 15.5. Running in a simulator. No breakpoints work, and I've verified that the scheme is set to Debug.
So does the system read /Library/LaunchAgents first and disregard any duplicate plists that it finds in /System/Library/LaunchAgents?
Unfortunately trying to use a parameter like that results in:
'some' types are only implemented for the declared type of properties and subscripts and the return type of functions
However, something like this works:
@ViewBuilder func getButton<S: ButtonStyle>(style: S) -> some View