




Comment on How to handle Product.PurchaseOption in StoreKit 2?
The scenario in which I'm seeing appAccountToken go missing is when you resubscribe from Settings>App Store>Sandbox Account>Manage rather than from the app itself. I'm not clear why the (cancelled + expired) Subscription even keeps showing up there at all. Is this even possible in Production? (Also, "Clear Purchase History" on the sandbox testing account doesn't remove the cancelled + expired sub from this page - at least not yet, in my testing.)
Jan ’22
Comment on Matching original_transaction_id to subscriber id.
@krystian_laubach "does it mean that original_transaction_id is globally unique and we can use it to identify user?". I don't think so - the same user may have several IAPs (depending on your product structure), and a resubscribe >180 days would apparently generate a new INITIAL_BUY (per @oscaretu's comments above). appAccountToken may be what you need (if you're able to use StoreKit 2). Interesting that you see notifications coming quickly from Apple - so far in the sandbox, I've found them to be very laggy (several minutes after purchase), which means you can't really rely on them to entitle the user's account server side in a timely fashion.
Jan ’22
Comment on Safari, JavaScript and WebGL extremely bad performance?
Confirming this observation: Safari has a significantly lower frame rate when animating a three.js scene than Chrome and Firefox - lots of stuttering. Observed with: with 3D terrain required (requires subscription - happy to provide access, if helpful) Safari Version 14.1.1 (15611., 15611), Chrome Version 91.0.4472.114 (Official Build) (x86_64), Firefox Version 91.0.4472.114 (Official Build) (x86_64) MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016), 2.7 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, Radeon Pro 460 4 GB Intel HD Graphics 530 1536 MB Catalina 10.15.7 (19H1217) The difference shows up when I set the Terrain quality to medium or high (512x512 or 1024x1024 subdivision of a texture + displacement + alpha mapped three.js plane). No noticeable differences when set to low (256 x 256).
Jun ’21