




Changing Font Size In Drop-Down Picker
I am unable to change the font size with this snippet. The font is correct and used elsewhere in the swiftui file. The build works successfully, but no matter what font size I choose it appears to stick with a default system size. private func holeRow(hole: Int) -> some View { HStack(spacing: 0) { Text("(hole + 1)") .font(.custom("Metropolis-SemiBold", size: 12)) .frame(width: 60, height: 25) .background(Color("PGA_Dark_Cerulean")) .foregroundColor(.white) .border(Color.gray, width: 0.25) Picker("", selection: $parValues[hole]) { ForEach(3..<6) { value in Text("(value)") .font(.custom("Metropolis-SemiBold", size: 12)) .foregroundColor(Color("PGA_Dark_Cerulean")) .tag(value) } } .pickerStyle(MenuPickerStyle()) .frame(width: 50, height: 25) .background(Color.white) .border(Color("PGA_Dark_Cerulean"), width: 0.25) ForEach(golfers.indices, id: \.self) { golferIndex in Picker("", selection: $scores[golferIndex][hole]) { ForEach(1..<11) { value in Text("\(value)") .font(.custom("Metropolis-SemiBold", size: 12)) .foregroundColor(Color("PGA_Dark_Cerulean")) .tag(value) }
Jul ’24
Saving custom fonts to XCode 14 issue
Sorry for repeating this post, but an answer is desperately needed. Whenever I add custom fonts to "Fonts provided by application" the fonts are not retained and the "Fonts provided by application" setting disappears. This happens when I leave the Custom IOS Target Properties/Info tab. I have attempted this with numerous otf/ttf fonts. Using macOS Monterey 12.7.5 and X Code 14.2. See before and after screenshots.
Jun ’24
Adding fonts to 'Fonts provided by application' in info.plist Xcode 14.2
I have tried to add multiple fonts (ttf and otf) to 'Fonts provided by application' key. As soon as I navigate away from the 'Info' tab the 'Fonts provided by application' key disappears. Also, the fonts never show up in the console list. I have added them to the OS (Monterey) and the XCode project. I have repeatedly followed the instructions and been sure to follow the instructions to the letter. All fonts have been spelled correctly and the file extensions used where and when needed in the project. I am lost to understand this. Why would the 'Fonts provided by application' key disappear?
Jun ’24
Unable to add fonts to XCode project
Added fonts to MAC and added to Xcode project but fonts are not available in project. Fonts are listed in the Copy Bundle Resources. Fonts are added to Fonts provided by application (Listing dissapears whenever I leave the 'Info' page. Font spelling is correct and double checked. Fonts are listed in project navigator. Fonts do not show up when the lists runs in the console. This same scenario to place when trying to add a different fonst as well. Your help would be appreciated.
May ’24