




Reply to PageTabViewStyle is causing vague SIGABRT crash (FB8984414)
I use PageTabViewStyle() in my app and now when building in Xcode 13 beta and testing on an iOS 15 device, I get a crasher with this line. No issues when testing on an iOS 14.6 device. My app's build target is iOS 14.5 My crash shows this in logs. Removing just the .tabViewStyle(.page) or .tabViewStyle(PageTabViewStyle()) line (i've tried using both) stops the crasher. Simultaneous accesses to 0x282d8b750, but modification requires exclusive access. Previous access (a modification) started at SwiftUI`<redacted> + 72 (0x188b4e60c). Current access (a modification) started at: 0  libswiftCore.dylib         0x0000000185619790 swift_beginAccess + 576 1  SwiftUI              0x0000000188b4e5c4 <redacted> + 72
Jun ’21