Thanks. Misery enjoys company they say.
Got it, thanks!
I'm having the same issue. I'm using Xcode 13.4.1 on an Apple Silicon Mac. Has anybody found the answer to this problem? Btw, the Landmarks SwiftUI example has the same issue, using the code that was issued by Apple.
I'm going to put this in a separate issue.
I uploaded the sysdiagnose file from the Mac and the co-sysdiagnose file from the Apple Watch to my bug report.
It's in degrees, minutes, seconds and not in decimal. I'll definitely add that in the bug report.
Turned on that is.
The more I look into this, the more I disagree with you. CKRecord is not sendable. The way to go, I think, is to create a struct with the fields from the CKRecords. Then pass the struct but make sure it's sendable. I have started to do this and it's clearing warnings. I have a CKMethods protocol. I think the way to go is to pass the stunt into the protocol's methods and get a struct from the protocol. Converting from CKRecord to Struct and from Struct to CKRecord.
Yes, I realize that I can @uncheck Sendable, but I wonder if that will last. Perhaps one will not be able to do this in the future. Yes, I realize that Data and String is Sendable.
I'm marking your answer as correct and will file an enhancement request. I am also putting in the hours to do the conversion to Model files and it's working, but I am far from being done. I'll probably be done before anything is done on my request and that is understandable. Besides the data model structs are a clean fix.
My thoughts on this is that CKAssets can hold a larger amount of data than Bytes. I wonder if there will be issues holding image data. That's why I asked.
I'll just let CloudKit handle it. I don't want to mess with the CloudKit data directly.
Well done! That fixed my problem as well. I am marking this complete.
Please file a feedback.
Please file a feedback.