




Reply to Aspiring Developer
 Franklin Method  Read the existing implementation. Let’s imagine you’ve run into the code sample you want to memorize. The first thing you want to do is read the existing code sample. Take notes of relevant information. When reading the code, take notes on what seems interesting to you or challenges you. Notes will help you recall the information in future. For example, you can jot down routine names and variables. Try to write the equivalent code. Once you’re done taking notes, try mimicking the original as closely as possible. It might not be the perfect code, but that’s not the point. The main idea is trying to recall and rewrite as much information as you can in a logical order. Repeat. After you’ve finished writing your duplicate, you want to compare your code with the original and correct your mistakes. Once you’re finished, go to step one and repeat it all over again until you can easily write the code sample.
Dec ’20