




Xcode 15 debugging wirelessly on iPhone 7 does not work
I have Xcode 15 installed on 2 MacBooks. Both MacBooks are running macOS Sonoma 14.0. I am trying to debug an iOS app wirelessly on an iPhone 7 with iOS 15.7.9. Under Window -> Devices and Simulators in Xcode I can see the iPhone under Disconnected and the message: "iPhone is disconnected" "Xcode will continue when iPhone is connected and unlocked" I have the "Connect via Network" checked. The iPhone is found when I connect it with a USB cable to both MacBooks. However I need to debug wirelessly without connecting through USB. Here is some troubleshooting that I did: Made sure iPhone 7 and both MacBooks are on the same WiFi Restarted iPhone 7 and both MacBooks Restored iPhone 7 to factory settings Pinged iPhone 7 through Terminal with its IP address on both MacBooks: ping - it finds the iPhone 7 and I receive packages back over the network on both MacBooks Tried "Connect via IP address" under Devices and Simulators - it does not find the iPhone and does not connect On one of the 2 MacBooks I have a proxy. On the other MacBook there is no VPN nor proxy set up. Still both MacBooks can not connect to iPhone 7 wirelessly though Xcode. I also have an iPhone 12 with iOS 16.6.1. I can connect to this iPhone 12 wirelessly through Xcode. It works with the iPhone 12. Did Apple stop the support for wireless debugging with Xcode 15 on iPhone 7s? Does anyone have the same problem?
Oct ’23
How observe Userdefault changes for
I have an app which uses MDM settings pushed from Miradore. I can read out the settings using: NSDictionary *serverConfig = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryForKey:""]; I want to add an observer to only trigger a function when "" is changed and no other NSUserDefaults value. Currently the observer is triggered for all NSUserDefaults changes. The code for this that I have is: [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(readDefaultsValues:) name:NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification object:nil]; Does anyone know how to only observe changes to ""?
Dec ’22