First, we completed the test with an iPhone device connected to TestFlight and Mac.
And I recently bought an iPad and tested it in the same way, but it works fine in the iOS 16.4.
Anyway, I completed the test on the 16.2 and 16.4 simulators, and the actual device was tested based on the 16.4 version.
The thing that made me uncomfortable was that I was denied the screening because the simulator for the 16.3 version was not provided and that version had an error.
I think they're lazy at work.
I have an app and it works fine when tested on 16.2 and 16.4.
However, the app was rejected because an error occurred in iPad 16.3.
The simulator does not provide that version.
For just a few tests, Apple forces me to buy an iPad. XD
One of the reasons why IOS is compared to Android.
I hope it gets better soon.