What I realized, just now, is that it only works from my Mac's internal HD, the boot drive. When I tried it off of my external HDs, which is what I do all of my work from, I get the message:
Simulator device failed to open file:///Volumes/Ext.%20Micron%20SSD/sergioq/Documents/myfriend.html.
Somehow I never stopped to realize to try the boot drive.
hopefully it’s this:
I accept your answer, but that shouldn't be the answer. As dangerous as certain things are, i.e. calling a null pointer, we should be allowed to design as we like.
Finally happened again, so I ran sysdiagnose before and after and submitted it to feedback
That's what I was looking for. Have been trying to find a website that lists all modifiers that Apple provides.
I assume because the other published vars aren't affected, that it has to do with the fact that the NavigationView is wrapped in an .alert(item: ) might have something to do with this warning and supposed solution?
Won't mark this solved, will wait for some more input from other developers, as I am too green.
I really like Ray's (Wenderlich) tutorials.
It was just a simple oversight, because I was trying it out quickly. It’s now in there and cell is no longer an optional.
I find the way Swift handles certain things (i.e. the OP) a little too drawn out. Therefore I doubly appreciate this excellent, well explained answer.
I have to clean them up, because at first I was using the wrong delegate. However, I do need to eventually add download as well. So will have to see which I need and don't at some point
I currently have it as below, so that the completionHandler gets called first and no matter what
` func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, didReceive response: URLResponse, completionHandler: (URLSession.ResponseDisposition) -> Void) {
if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
xFile?.httpResponse = httpResponse.statusCode
DispatchQueue.main.async { [self] in
if httpResponse.statusCode != 200 {
...my code } } } }`
Oh no, I got it as soon as I read the line you made me throw in...perfect teaching method. Was just posting the answer over at StackOverflow, was going to do it here next, but you beat me to it. Thank you again.
Oh you.....I see what you did there. I'm going to start calling what you did "Passive/Aggressive teaching." And I mean that as a compliment. Thank you. — SergioDCQ 40 minutes ago Edit this post
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Wow! The ‘f’! I kept looking at the ‘x’! Thank you. I seriously think I have a reading disorder sometimes.— SergioDCQ less than a minute ago
Did most of my work in Windows, that had such a feature, so am looking for an equivalent.
But also, there might be a case of searching through multiple instances to find a particular one maybe?