




macOS 14.4: fileproviderctl removed listproviders option
Hi all, with yesterday's macOS 14.4 update, fileproviderctl removed the listproviders option. I couldn't find a replacement. Other options like dump domain result in error: Import Cookie: Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (GSLibraryErrorDomain-Fehler 2 - Invalid volume URL) Is there anything I can do about this except for wait for Apple to fix this? Or was removing listproviders even done intentionally? Thanks! Sebastian
Mar ’24
Getting FileProviderValidation to work
Hi everybody,I don't seem to be able to get FileProviderValidation to work. I am talking about the app announced by Apple at this year's WWDC. I have done everything the Readme states needs to be done. Under iOS 11, FileProviderValidation just crashes, under iOS 12 Beta 1, it lists all the available File Provider Extensions -- uncluding ours -- but it states that the extension was "Not eligible". (None of them is.)I had previously tried to implement the protocol on my own and to provide an own service source (in Swift, as the rest of the project). But that didn't work. So I went with the Files provided by Apple and included the service source in the bridging header.The only thing I am doing differently from Apple's solution is that I return two items in supportedServiceSources(for itemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier), theirs and ours which serves for XPC between the UI app that hosts the extension and the extension itself.Did anybody get this to work?
Jun ’18