




XC Bots Can't Find Simulators
This has happened more than once.This time occurred relatively soon after an upgrade of Xcode from 8.3 to 8.3.2.However, not immediately after because we saw no problems with the bots for the remainder of that day.We run Server 5.3.The problem:Bots keep failing due to "The devices configured for testing were not found." though those bots were running happily before.We have dozens of bots. "Edit bot..." on any bot and check "Devices"We only run CI tests on two simulators, so I want to set to run on those and exclude all others.Select "Specific iOS Devices" and I'm told "No devices found" though a check under Window > Devices shows a huge list of available simulators.Opening Simulator also reveals the list of devices.In Xcode under Product > Destination > iOS Simulators, I see everything I expect.Only the bots cannot connect to the simulators, which defeats the utility of having bots.Following various advice found around the internet (restarting Xcode, xcrun simctl erase all, rebooting the system entirely, deleting userdata from the project file) have all failed to let my bots see the simulators. I haven't tried reinstalling Xcode, but we just upgraded to a new version Wednesday, and it has been working. It is a sudden occurance and has happened twice now in three months.
Apr ’17
How to get crash log of host app when running UI tests
When running a UI test the other day, an assertion failure terminated the test early when an expected button did not come onto screen. In looking at the screenshots, it appears the hosting app died during the test, leaving the UI test runner staring at the Springboard, rather than the main app, during accessibility element evaluation.In looking through the log files (Xcode Server > xcbot_name > Logs > Download Logs...) I see logs about the test runner and its attempts to find an on-screen button. But I see nothing about the main hosting app itself and why it crashed.Are these crash logs kept only in the Simulator?(I really hope not, as the nature of our project requires constant Simulator resets to avoid app cache conflicts between branch integrations)
Apr ’18
Xcode Server API deprecated?
I have a very nice build server running on a Mac Mini which creates new integration bots to integrate against new branches our team pushes to github. This systems relies heavily on the availability of the Xcode Server API, specifically the ability to overwriteBlueprint on a bot. (basically there are raw template bots on the server, and the script duplicates one, receives a JSON definition for the bot, modifies that JSON, and writes back to update the bot)I'm quite distressed to see that all documentation regarding this API is gone. However, I cannot find information that explicitly says the API is deprecated. Has there been any announcement about the status of this API? Watching Xcode Server via Charles shows that the API is being used and has some new (?) api calls, but there is no information about this that I can find.If this API is removed, my whole server is dead in the water.I can work toward a replacement solution, but with no information on the matter, I don't know how long I have or if I'm actually safe.
Dec ’18
Safe to delete xcsd.output.log?
I occasionally run out of hard drive space on my servers, depending on how many Xcode bots are being used at a time by the development team. Using GrandPerspective, I see an enormous file that I'd like to get rid of. xcsd.output.log dwarfs all other files in the system, at 67.4GB. It's a log file, so presumably I can just throw it away and it will regenerate fresh. However, keeping *some* history would be nice. Is there a strategy for keeping this file under control, rather than letting it just grow infinitely? Or do I just have to remember to clean it out manually from time to time?
Apr ’21