




macOS Ventura System Settings not attributing Login Items to app/vendor
Hello, in the latest Beta of macOS Ventura, the System Settings app is not correctly grouping our services from /Library/LaunchDemons and /Library/LaunchAgents into the LoginItems UI. It does not group them neither under our app nor under our company ID.  We create our Login Items from Apple Installer as symlinks into our app bundle and the executable path inside the plist also points into our app bundle. The SystemSettings UI shows the script that the job will launch instead of the app it resides in. I have already filled a bug FB11434779, but I'd like to ask if there is any documentation on how this is supposed to work and whether it is preferred to copy the .plist files into LaunchDemons or create symlinks. Copies do not load for guest accounts (discussed in another thread). Copies nor symlinks group properly in the new System Settings application. One idea that comes to mind is that the scripts the LaunchItems refer to need to be signed individually. They are covered by the enclosing bundle signature but maybe that would help? Not sure at all.I am worried that users will switch individual items off not knowing to what they belong and break part of the apps functionality. Thank you for any insights, recommendations or documentation reference. For clarity I provide listing of the LaunchDemons folder and related screen in System Settings. lrwxr-xr-x root wheel  com.avast.init.plist -> /Applications/ lrwxr-xr-x root wheel  com.avast.update.plist -> /Applications/
Sep ’22
macOS Ventura Beta: launchd does not load plist for guest account
Hi, I have experienced strange behavior from launchd on macOS Ventura. The scenarios are following: If a .plist is copied to /Library/LaunchAgents then: it loads for normal user it does not load for guest user If a .plist is a symlink to a .plist inside app bundle, it loads in both cases. Following are the launchd logs from the scenario when it does not load: 2022-07-21 16:04:29.403496 (gui/201/com.avast.userinit [4556]) <Error>: Service could not initialize: Untrusted spawn was denied for /Library/LaunchAgents/com.avast.userinit.plist, error 0xa1 - Service cannot be launched because of BTM policy 2022-07-21 16:04:29.403513 (gui/201/com.avast.userinit [4556]) <Error>: initialization failure: 22A5295i: xpcproxy + 21944 [418][B19C1C8C-E684-388B-857E-802288C1D9C3]: 0xa1 2022-07-21 16:04:29.403520 (gui/201/com.avast.userinit [4556]) <Error>: Untrusted service was denied launch by BTM. Removing. 2022-07-21 16:04:29.403523 (gui/201/com.avast.userinit [4556]) <Notice>: internal event: INIT, code = 161 2022-07-21 16:04:29.404265 (gui/201/com.avast.userinit [4556]) <Notice>: xpcproxy exited due to exit(78) 2022-07-21 16:04:29.404272 (gui/201/com.avast.userinit [4556]) <Notice>: exited due to exit(78) Is this a bug in launchd? Or is it now preferred to use symlinks so the OS can figure out to what bundle the .plist belongs. If similar policy will later be applied also to non-guest users or for plists inside /Library/LaunchDemons, it will break our application. Thanks for any info on this.
Jul ’22
Deeplinks into new System Settings app in macOS Ventura
Hi, in past several versions of macOS, following deep links into System Preferences were working: FileVault: Software update: GateKeeper and System Extensions: Focus: Full Disk Access: And many others They do not work in macOS Ventura anymore. Is there a replacement in macOS Ventura available? Could you please add/document new deep links into System Settings app? We use it to guide users through different setup steps that have to be done to fully setup/onboard our macOS software. Thank you for any information, Jakub
Jun ’22
Disable font install popup in WebView on macOS
Hello, we have some code that uses the deprecated WebView class to load some HTML content. When we attempt to load e.g. this page several popups about fonts requiring install will appear. Is there a way how to configure WebView so it does not show these popups? The same page loads without the popups using WKWebView. Unfortunately we are unable to rewrite everything to WKWebView yet as it is not that trivial for the amount of code in both native and JS that we have. So I would be very interested in a some quick fix for the WebView that I might have missed. Thank you for any help, Jakub
Oct ’21
Ineligible destinations { platform:macOS, name:Any Mac }
I have download Xcode 12 for universal apps. I do not have VALID_ARCHS set at all and I can build FAT binary from Xcode IDE just fine. I have also installed CommandLine tools for Xcode 12, but when I try to build from the Terminal, I get just Intel binaries. Trying the -showdestinations option gives the following error: Ineligible destinations { platform:macOS, name:Any Mac }. If I try to set VALIDARCHS = arm64 to try build for ARM only, I get an error too. { platform:macOS, arch:x86_64h, error:My Mac doesn’t support any of targets’s architectures. You can set target’s Architectures build setting to Standard Architectures to support My Mac. } I have not found Command Line Tools for Xcode 12 Universal apps so maybe the Command Line Tools I have are for the standard Xcode 12 and can't build universal apps? Any ideas what might be wrong?
Jun ’20
How to create Today widget host application
Hello everyone,Apple has a Today widget technology, that allows developers to craete plugins. These plugins can provide views into the Today section. Experimenting showed that crashes inside the Today widget do not bring the entire process down, but only the single widget that is crashing stops working. Safari does something similar with running its plugins in separate processes.I would very much like to write an extensible application with this level of stability myself. I have found some mentions about ViewBridge.framework and PluginKit.framework. But these seem to be private frameworks that make the Today application work. Is there some public API that I can use? Can anyone please point me to some documentation or examples?Thank you very much,Jakub
Apr ’20