




Reply to Xcode: Could not attach to pid
FWIW, I have yet another solution... I used - system.log; Clear; launch and attach and noticed I got this line: May 14 14:35:26 my-mac Photos[30591]: objc[30591]: Class _NSZombie_NSPathStore2 is implemented in both ?? (0x7ff33ec26e30) and ?? (0x7ff34ed330f0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. This stack overflow solution - did the trick: NSZombies is turned on. Go to product - scheme - edit scheme (CMD+SHIFT+.) and under run - diagnostics uncheck "Enable Zombies".
May ’21
Reply to User Agent in Safari on iPadOS
Agreed. This is a devasting user experience for the iPad. And you want people to choose an iPad over a Mac and you make completely stupid moves like this? For example, iPadOS does not auto-uncompress .zip files like a Mac. Users come on the support saying how nothing works, because when they tap the download it's broken. Even sophisticated users have to poke around to find "Uncompress" buried at the bottom of the the long-touch menu. If you didn't LIE to my web server, I could offer the uncompressed link, and everything would be fine. Do not LIE about your user-agent, certainly CPU architecture and operating system. That is the kind of schmuck moves the old Microsoft would make. Perhaps they hired the MSIE team. So short sighted. *** Apple?
May ’20