




Send UDP Protocol is not working in Xcode 16 iOS18
func setupUDPSocket() { stopSearch() udpSocket = GCDAsyncUdpSocket(delegate: self, delegateQueue: DispatchQueue.main) do { try udpSocket?.bind(toPort: 4012) try udpSocket?.beginReceiving() try udpSocket?.joinMulticastGroup("") } catch let error { DispatchQueue.main.async { print(Thread.current) print(error) print(error) } } } private func search() { guard let udpSocket = udpSocket else { print("not set udpSocket") stopSearch() return } let message = "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "HOST:\r\n" + "MAN: \"ssdp:discover\"\r\n" + "MX: 3\r\n" + "ST: ssdp:all\r\n" + "\r\n" let data = .utf8)! udpSocket.send(data, toHost: "", port: 1900, withTimeout: -1, tag: 0) } This is my send SSDP code, my project was inited in Objective-C, recently I update xcode to 16, I get Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=65 "No route to host", when I send UPD data in iOS 18, but iOS 17 is ok. Even I found, if I init a new project in Swift, this bug is disappear.
Nov ’24
Custom Sequence, use `for` index don't change, but `while` is normal. why?
struct BoxedFibonacciSequence: Sequence, IteratorProtocol { typealias Element = Int var currentIndex = 0 mutating func next() -> Int? { defer { currentIndex += 1 } return loadFibNumber(at: currentIndex) } func makeIterator() -> Self { return self } } func loadFibNumber(at index: Int) -> Int { return fibNumber(at: index) } var box = BoxedFibonacciSequence() for v in box { print("for index",box.currentIndex) if v < 20 { } else { break } } let fib = BoxedFibonacciSequence() var iter = fib.makeIterator() while let v = { print("while index",iter.currentIndex) if v < 20 { } else { break } } //out put: //for index 0 //for index 0 //for index 0 //for index 0 //for index 0 //for index 0 //for index 0 //for index 0 //for index 0 //while index 1 //while index 2 //while index 3 //while index 4 //while index 5 //while index 6 //while index 7 //while index 8 //while index 9
Aug ’23
For a custom Sequence protocol, but index don't change, but use while index change. why?
struct BoxedFibonacciSequence: Sequence, IteratorProtocol { typealias Element = Int var currentIndex = 0 mutating func next() -> Int? { defer { currentIndex += 1 } return loadFibNumber(at: currentIndex) } func makeIterator() -> Self { return self } } func loadFibNumber(at index: Int) -> Int { return fibNumber(at: index) } var box = BoxedFibonacciSequence() for v in box { print("for index",box.currentIndex) if v < 20 { } else { break } } let fib = BoxedFibonacciSequence() var iter = fib.makeIterator() while let v = { print("while index",iter.currentIndex) if v < 20 { } else { break } } why use for index always 0, but while index is normal? I'm confused.
Aug ’23
Swift Set type performance inconsistently when inserting data
This code will generate different result when RoadmapCardChain  implement Hashable  and Equatable  protocol struct RoadmapCardChain: Codable, Hashable, Equatable { &#9;&#9;let start: String &#9;&#9;let end: String &#9;&#9;let styles: String &#9;&#9; &#9;&#9;static func == (lhs: RoadmapCardChain, rhs: RoadmapCardChain) -> Bool { &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;let isStyleSame = lhs.styles == rhs.styles &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;let isEndSame = lhs.start == rhs.start &amp;&amp; lhs.end == rhs.end &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;let isToggleEndSame = lhs.start == rhs.end &amp;&amp; lhs.end == rhs.start &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;print(lhs) &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;print(rhs) &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;print("result is \(isStyleSame &amp;&amp; ( isEndSame || isToggleEndSame ))") &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;return isStyleSame &amp;&amp; ( isEndSame || isToggleEndSame ) &#9;&#9;} } let a = RoadmapCardChain(start: "Cafeteria", end: "Payment BIZ", styles: "AECC5C") let b = RoadmapCardChain(start: "Payment BIZ", end: "Cafeteria", styles: "AECC5C") var chains: Set&lt;RoadmapCardChain&gt; = [] print(a.hashValue) print(b.hashValue) chains.insert(a) if chains.contains(b) { &#9;&#9;print("contains is true") } else { &#9;&#9;chains.insert(b) } print(chains) sometime result is : 785027920194053578 6404817261741129101 RoadmapCardChain(start: "Cafeteria", end: "Payment BIZ", styles: "AECC5C") RoadmapCardChain(start: "Payment BIZ", end: "Cafeteria", styles: "AECC5C") result is true contains is true [__lldb_expr_19.RoadmapCardChain(start: "Cafeteria", end: "Payment BIZ", styles: "AECC5C")] but sometime result is : 491382166321900052 7275567105868021174 [lldb_expr_21.RoadmapCardChain(start: "Cafeteria", end: "Payment BIZ", styles: "AECC5C"), lldb_expr_21.RoadmapCardChain(start: "Payment BIZ", end: "Cafeteria", styles: "AECC5C")] I don't know why same codes has different performance  I still don't understand why sometimes == be called and sometimes it doesn't be called。According to my understanding Set only need hashvalue when insert or contains function, don't need to call ==
Aug ’20