I wrote a package with Float16 inside. When I compile a macos (13.x) app that includes this package, the compiler complains for unavailable Float16.
However, If I compile the same code app with the code directly included (i.e. not in a package), everything is OK.
It looks like the package is compiled for a macOS target < V11 despite the manifest specifies v13
Does anyone knows how to tell the SPM to use a specific version or as a workaround for tis issue ?
When I try to create a new file (ex: Command+N), Xcode displays the popup to select the file type and its name. It crashes when selecting the "create" button. Th file is actually created and can be added after restarting Xcode.
(everything was fine with former betas)
Anyone experiencing the same issue ?
I tried every combinations of these three sensors but unfortunately with no luck. Whenever the rotation sensor activates, no more events are produced.
This is particularly true when running the app on a M1 as an iPad app.
Did anyone encounter the same issue and find a workaround ?
The code:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Rectangle ().foregroundColor(.blue)
.gesture (
RotationGesture ()
.onChanged { angle in print ("Rotate changed; \(angle)") }
.onEnded { scale in print ("Rotate ended") }
.simultaneousGesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0 )
.onChanged { value in print ("Drag changed") }
.onEnded { value in print ("Drag ended") }
.simultaneousGesture( MagnificationGesture (minimumScaleDelta: 0.01)
.onChanged { scale in print ("Pinch changed; \(scale)") }
.onEnded { scale in print ("Pinch ended") }