




A Swift input method switcher works only after changing focus to another window
-1 I am trying to write a MacOS app which switch input methods by previously assigned shortcut(command+space in here). Switching input methods preoperly works so that the language icon at the status bar(top right) immediately changes as I put the shortcut. The problem I got in here is that the actual input method does not change. For example, if I run my app when the selected input method is Korean, then although the status bar is showing the selected input method is Japanese after command+space, what I can only type is Korean characters. However, after I change focus to another text app(e.g. from sublime text to xcode), only then the selected input method is reflected well. I am using MacOS Monterey 12.6 and Xcode 13.1. My project contains two source files. The code in the file AppDelegate.swift is as follows: import Cocoa @NSApplicationMain class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { var switcher = Switcher() } And the code in the file Switcher.swift is as follows: import Cocoa import MASShortcut class Switcher{ var lang: Int = 0 var kr: TISInputSource? var jp: TISInputSource? var en: TISInputSource? init(){ let inputSourceNSArray = TISCreateInputSourceList(nil, false).takeRetainedValue() as NSArray let inputSourceList = inputSourceNSArray as! [TISInputSource] for inputSource in inputSourceList { if == "" { = inputSource } if == "" { = inputSource } if == "" { self.en = inputSource } } self.register() } func switchLang(){ self.lang = (self.lang + 1) % 3 switch lang { case 0: TISSelectInputSource( case 1: TISSelectInputSource( case 2: TISSelectInputSource(self.en) default: print("error") } } func register() { let langShortcut = MASShortcut(keyCode: kVK_Space, modifierFlags: [.command]) MASShortcutMonitor.shared()?.register(langShortcut, withAction: { self.switchLang() }) } } I wrote these codes by referring KAWA, but KAWA does not make this issue. I have analyzed all codes of KAWA several times, I couldn't find out why the same problem does not occur in KAWA. I am quite new to Swift, and I have no idea to approach. Could you help me....? Thank you.
Mar ’24