




Apple should verify bank accounts with a test deposit
Most websites that transfer funds electronically to verify users' bank info by sending a small test deposit to the user's bank account. Users have to correctly enter the amount that was sent in order to activate that bank account with the website. We're all familiar with this process and even though it adds some setup time, it's an important integrity check. Apple doesn't do that, and the consequences are dire. My company recently switched to a new bank, and I entered our new account info in App Store Connect. With no test deposit, I had to simply hope and pray that Apple would successfully transfer funds to the new account on the day remittances were supposed to arrive. And guess what? The funds haven't arrived, and it's nine days after the due date. Apple owes us $209k for April sales and Apple's finance support team has yet to respond to my five day old support requests. That's my other suggestion; the finance support team should be less awful. Companies need to get paid so that they in turn can make payroll. Apple's incompetence in these matters puts people's livelihoods at risk.
Jun ’22