




Reply to App Shortcuts Preview: No Matching Intent?
Thanks for looking into this. I do have AppShortcuts.xcstrings in my project already (project default language is English, localization for German). The phrases do work in the simulator and on device in both languages, but I still get "No Matching Intent" in the latest Xcode Version 16.2 (16C5032a) when trying to use App Shortcuts Preview. I do have a localized app name (which seems to cause an issue in SiriTipView), so maybe this is related?
Reply to WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() only works when app is in the foreground
Same problem on iOS 18.0.1 and Xcode 16... FB15508274 My timeline covers 10 days, but if I get new data in my background task which runs overnight, I'd like to reload the timeline. I was able to verify that code before and after reloadAllTimelines() successfully executes in the background and all my data is updated, but widgets timelines are not ( I share a subset of my data with the Widgets using an App Group and UserDefaults). Starting the background task in the debugger always works and updates both data and widgets. Has anybody experimented with shorter timelines, and/or TimelineReloadPolicy.after(), or found any other workarounds yet?
Oct ’24
Reply to How do you request a review in a volumetric app?
Same thing happens with \.requestReview. I've tried using \.openWindow to open a non-volumetric window. That kind of works. However, dismissing the window immediately crashes, dismissing the window later also closes the review prompt, and there seems to be no way to sense if the user has dismissed the review prompt. So does not seem to be a good workaround. Filed FB15163571 (reviewRequest crashes with volumetric windows)
Sep ’24
Reply to No ObservableObject of type AuthViewModel found, but only on Mac
I had a very similar odd issue with my app failing only in macOS with compile time error in Xcode 15.4: Thread 1: Fatal error: No Observable object of type MyClass found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for MyClass may be missing as an ancestor of this view. It seems that like you, I had to reinject the object in the view hierarchy - apparently because the view in fullScreenCover would otherwise not inherit the view when running on macOS var body: some View { TabView { ... } .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $shouldShowMyView) { MyView() .environment(myClassInstance) } } Your post helped me resolve the issue - thank you! FB13851806 (.fullScreenCover closure content does not inherit environement)
Jun ’24
Reply to Xcode Cloud Archive - visionOS fails with Info.plist errors?
I have been able to also reproduce the issue with a Xcode 15.3 template project after adding Apple Vision as a supported destination, configuring Xcode Cloud and adding a TestFlight post-action (without the post-action, the archives succeed). Submitted FB13774427 (Xcode Cloud visionOS archive action fails for iOS template project with Apple Vision added as supported destination.) as this might be a bug. Anybody successfully building these visionOS/iOS hybrid apps with current version Xcode Cloud after including a TestFlight post-action? The following email references ITMS error numbers: TMS-90508: Invalid Info.plist value - The value for the key 'DTPlatformName' in bundle is invalid. ITMS-90039: Type Mismatch - The value for the Info.plist key CFBundleIcons.CFBundlePrimaryIcon is not of the required type for that key. See the Information Property List Key Reference at ITMS-90068: This bundle is invalid - The value provided for the key MinimumOSVersion '17.4' is not acceptable. ITMS-90512: Invalid sdk value - The value provided for the sdk portion of LC_BUILD_VERSION in is 17.4 which is greater than the maximum allowed value of 1.2.
May ’24
Reply to WeatherKit always fails with 404 for specific lat/long/dates with forecastDaily
Thanks for sharing! I have seemingly ran into the same issue, with - of all places - Apple Park, Cupertino... The following code fails with status 404. It seems that trying to get any history before that date fails too, whereas getting the history after that date succeeds. settings.startDate = .init( timeZone: .init(identifier: "America/Los_Angeles"), year: 2023, month: 9, day: 27, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 ))! settings.endDate = .init( timeZone: .init(identifier: "America/Los_Angeles"), year: 2023, month: 9, day: 28, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 ))! settings.locationLatitude = 37.334886 settings.locationLongitude = -122.008988 let location = CLLocation(latitude: settings.locationLatitude, longitude: settings.locationLongitude) do { let dayWeather = try await for: location, including: .daily(startDate: settings.startDate, endDate: settings.endDate)) print("Received \(dayWeather.count) DayWeather object(s).") } catch { print("WeatherKit Error: \(error.localizedDescription)") throw error }
Mar ’24