I created a macOS app, added an XPC service target, and also added a source editor extension.
in The source editor extension‘s perform function. It doesn't work
- (void)performCommandWithInvocation:(XCSourceEditorCommandInvocation *)invocation completionHandler:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable nilOrError))completionHandler {
self.xpcConnect = [[NSXPCConnection alloc] initWithServiceName:@"test.TestNewXPCApp.NewXPC"];
NSXPCInterface *interface = [NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol:@protocol(NewXPCProtocol)];
self.xpcConnect.remoteObjectInterface = interface;
[self.xpcConnect resume];
[[self.xpcConnect remoteObjectProxy] performCalculationWithNumber:@231 andNumber:@119 withReply:^(NSNumber *reply) {
// We have received a response.
NSLog(@"ui success%@", reply);
But In ViewControler.m, executing the same code , it can work.
So why is it possible to connect to the XPC service from within the macOS app, but not from the source editor extension?
I am very happy after I buy m1 pro mac. But now I am disappointed.
My project is huge project. When I use 2019 mac pro(16g)+ macos big sur + xcode 12.6 to run my project, it is normal.
But on m1 pro(32g) + macos monterey + xcode13, xcode offen show loading loading loading!
xcode offen stuck five second when two files tab switch(ram about 20g,not full). It is unbelievable! I can't endure it!
I think it is because macos monterey problem! When my 2019 mac pro upgrade to macos monterey, it has the problem! But I change to macos big sur, it is ok! But my new m1 pro can't change to the big sur. And I buy two m1 pro macpro, both have the same problem!
I need apple pay attention to this problem!I have buy two m1 pro mac, I decide to return sales!