




MapAnnotation Position
I am working on a MapView with MapAnnotation on the Map and am having difficulty getting the MapAnnotation to function properly when selected. In my code, I want the MapAnnotation selected to be to the front if it is behind or partially blocked by another annotation. I have tried using a zIndex but this does not appear to work. Below is my MapView code along with a screenshot of the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. struct HospitalMapView: View { @StateObject var viewModel = HospitalViewModel() @State private var showSearchView = false @State private var showListView = false @State private var selectedTab: Int = 0 var body: some View { ZStack { VStack(spacing: 0) { TopTabView() // Map that updates the visible hospitals when the user moves or adjusts the map Map(coordinateRegion: $viewModel.region, interactionModes: .all, annotationItems: viewModel.filteredHospitals) { hospital in MapAnnotation(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: hospital.latitude, longitude: hospital.longitude)) { RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 40) .fill(viewModel.colorForPercentile(viewModel.calculatePercentile(for: hospital, in: viewModel.filteredHospitals))) .frame(width: 70, height: 30) // Maintain consistent size, adjust if necessary .overlay( Text("$\(Int(hospital.baseCharge / 1000))K") .foregroundColor(.white) .bold() ) .overlay( RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 40) .stroke(, lineWidth: viewModel.selectedHospital == hospital ? 3 : 0) ) .onTapGesture { viewModel.selectHospital(hospital) // Move the selected hospital to the end of the list to bring it to the front viewModel.bringHospitalToFront(hospital) viewModel.showBottomSheet = true } .scaleEffect(viewModel.selectedHospital == hospital ? 1.1 : 1.0) // Highlight the selected hospital .zIndex(viewModel.selectedHospital == hospital ? 1 : 0) // Set the zIndex higher for the selected hospital .animation(.easeInOut, value: viewModel.selectedHospital) // Smooth transition } } .onAppear { // Initial update of visible hospitals when the map appears viewModel.updateFilteredHospitals() } .onChange(of: viewModel.region) { _ in // Update the visible hospitals as the user changes the map region viewModel.updateFilteredHospitals() } .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) } // Hospital count display hovering over the map Text("\(viewModel.filteredHospitals.count) Hospitals") .font(.subheadline) .foregroundColor(.white) .padding(8) .background( .cornerRadius(10) .padding(.top, -315) // Adjust padding to position correctly below the TopTabView .zIndex(1) // Ensure it's above the map if let selectedHospital = viewModel.selectedHospital, viewModel.showBottomSheet { BottomSheetView(isOpen: $viewModel.showBottomSheet, maxHeight: UIScreen.main.bounds.height * 0.3) { SummaryTabView(selectedHospital: Binding( get: { selectedHospital }, set: { newValue in viewModel.selectHospital(newValue) } )) } .transition(.move(edge: .bottom)) .animation(.spring()) } } .safeAreaInset(edge: .bottom) { BottomTabView(selectedTab: $selectedTab, showListView: $showListView, showSearchView: $showSearchView, onSearchSelected: { showSearchView = true showListView = false }, onHomeSelected: { showSearchView = false showListView = false }, onListSelected: { showListView = true showSearchView = false }) } .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $showSearchView) { SearchView(viewModel: viewModel, showSearchView: $showSearchView, selectedTab: $selectedTab, showListView: $showListView) } .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $showListView) { ListView(selectedTab: $selectedTab, showListView: $showListView, showSearchView: $showSearchView) .environmentObject(viewModel) } .environmentObject(viewModel) } }
Sep ’24
CSV File Load Into Swift
Hi, I am fairly new Xcode/Swift and am trying to load a CSV File for use in my development. I have placed the CSV file in my Assets folder but when I try to create my Data Model and load the CSV file. I run into the error: No exact matches in call to initializer. Below is the code. I have attached CSV File. Any help fixing this error would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help. Brian Hospital_Demographic_Data_Sample.csv import Foundation import CSV struct HospitalData: Codable { let providerNumber: String let hospital: String let address: String let city: String let state: String let zip: String let wageIndex: Double let caseMix: Double let averageCharge: Double let discharges: Int let totalCharges: Double let adjTotalCharges: Double // Add other fields as needed based on the columns in your CSV file } func loadHospitalData() -> [HospitalData]? { guard let filePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "Hospital_Demographic_Data", ofType: "csv") else { print("File not found") return nil } do { let csv = try CSV(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath)) var hospitalDataList = [HospitalData]() // Initialize as an empty array for row in csv.namedRows { if let providerNumber = String(row["Provider CCN"] ?? ""), // Replace "Provider CCN" with actual column name let hospital = String(row["Hospital Name"] ?? ""), // Replace with actual column name let address = String(row["Street Address"] ?? ""), let city = String(row["City"] ?? ""), // Replace with actual column name let state = String(row["State Code"] ?? ""), // Replace with actual column name let zip = String(row["Zip Code"] ?? ""), // Replace with actual column name let wageIndex = Double(row["Wage Index"] ?? ""), let caseMix = Double(row["Case Max"] ?? ""), let averageCharge = Double(row["Base Charge"] ?? ""), // Replace with actual column name let discharges = Int(row["Medicare Discharges"] ?? ""), let totalCharges = Double(row["Total Charges"] ?? ""), let adjTotalCharges = Double(row["Total Wage Normalized Charges"] ?? "") { // Replace with actual column name let hospitalData = HospitalData( providerNumber: providerNumber, hospital: hospital, address: address, city: city, state: state, zip: zip, wageIndex: wageIndex, caseMix: caseMix, averageCharge: averageCharge, discharges: discharges, totalCharges: totalCharges, adjTotalCharges: adjTotalCharges ) hospitalDataList.append(hospitalData) } } return hospitalDataList } catch { print("Failed to load CSV file: \(error)") return nil } } // Usage Example func main() { if let hospitalData = loadHospitalData() { for data in hospitalData { print("Hospital: (, City: (, Average Charge: (data.averageCharge)") } } }
Aug ’24