




Reply to HELP!Same Crash Error For 3 Months Already
Hi Eskimo, Appreciated your response! I am attaching the 3 latest crash logs I received(the Last Exception Backtrace has all been the same since day 1 I added the google admob and submitted for revision. I have been experiencing this crash log for 3 months already and mostly for ipad device) Appreciate if you can take a look at the attachments. And pls badly needed your help/input. Thank you! Crash log 1.rtf Crash log 2.rtf Crash log 3.rtf
Jul ’23
Reply to HELP!Same Crash Error For 3 Months Already
Hi, I have attached the crash log. Weird is this crash log happens mostly in ipad and I noticed with the ios version everytime(as per I observed only). Please help! it is 3 months already since I have been struggling with this. It is so frustrating already. Thank you so much! App Review Crash logs After Symbolicating App review crash log.rtf
Jul ’23