




RevenueCat Error 23 During App Review – Configuration Issue Despite Successful Testing
I’m encountering an issue during the Apple review process and was hoping someone might be able to help or offer some insights. My app uses RevenueCat to manage all subscription processes, including receipt validation. RevenueCat is supposed to automatically handle switching between production and sandbox environments. Everything is configured properly, and I’ve thoroughly tested the subscription flow on multiple devices, including both iPhone and iPad, with no issues. In the past two Apple app reviews, the subscription process was completed successfully, and I haven’t made any changes to the code or anything related to RevenueCat since then. I’ve also tested using the release build configuration, and everything works fine on my end. However, Apple has now reported an "Error 23" message, indicating a configuration issue during their latest review. Since everything works perfectly in my tests and passed previous reviews, I’m unsure what’s causing this issue now. Has anyone experienced something similar with RevenueCat or "Error 23"? Could it be a temporary sandbox environment issue? Any advice on how to troubleshoot this or fix the problem? Thanks in advance for any help!
Sep ’24