




2 different frameworks uses same framework
Hi All, I created our own framework called Framework A (which has its own Podspec and googlecast as dependency in it). I also created framework B (which has its own Podspec))and framework c (which has its own Podspec))where both uses the Framework A (using the pod). Since googlecast is dependent, it is inside Framework A, Framework B and Framework C I am created the sampleApplication and add Framework A , Framework B and Framework C in the pod file pod filee : pod 'framework A' pod 'Framework B' pod 'Framework C' After pod install, While trying to run thee application I am getting this error Class GCKUICastButton is implemented in both /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B4F23931-F41B-45C2-AEFA-4587C81D9474/ B.framework/framework B (0x108784a28) and /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B4F23931-F41B-45C2-AEFA-4587C81D9474/ C.framework/Framework C (0x1053afb18). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. After this Googlecast feature are breaking like cars button icon is disappearing. Please help me in solving this problem
Jul ’23
Intermittently Service worker is not working for webkit (WKWebview) in IOS 15
We have created a sample HTML page with service worker to enable offline load for iOS 15, And we are loading the sample HTML page in IOS Sample App . Sample app contains the WKWebview(which is webkit framework) which loads the sample HTML. we have added the app bound domain in the Info.plist to support the Service Worker. AppBoundDomains in Info.plist is <key>WKAppBoundDomains</key> <array> <string></string> </array> And configured the WKWebViewConfiguration for WKWebView through code: if (@available(iOS 14.0, *)) { configuration.limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains = YES; } Working Scenario is : When we launch the application in online mode for the first time, it is successfully registering the ServiceWorker. On launching the application in offline mode, it successfully loads the offline page in iOS 15. Issue is : After repeatedly killing and relaunching the application many time (say 5-6 times), we are seeing the blank screen instead of loading the offline page (which is Service Worker Enabled) we are receiving the below error when service worker is not working: [Process] 0x10581f018 - [pageProxyID=5, webPageID=6, PID=8803] WebPageProxy::didFailProvisionalLoadForFrame: frameID=3, domain=NSURLErrorDomain, code=-1009 2022-03-21 19:32:40.651305+0530 WKWebViewSample[8800:1490156] didFailProvisionalNavigation Issue Repro rate 5 Out of 10 Added the logs for the same WKWebView Service Worker Issue - Ios 15.txt working and non working logs from IOS
Mar ’22