Thank @Etresoft!, I would have liked to add some pics to the post, but as we can't do that, I will try to explain more carefully.
I created a really simple application that uses the fullwidth style with 1 column with a table view cell that only draws its background. When debugging the view with the Xcode hierarchical debug button, I can see that the cell is not occupying the entire tableview row view. There is still some padding horizontally on both sides. When I debug using 12.1, the cell occupies all the row correctly.
I will try the .plain style as @galad87 says but I think I already tried it without any luck.
I have a question on an external website with pictures attached named: How to remove NSTableView indentation on Big Sur that includes the example app and the screenshots.
Thanks again !
Appreciate it.
Just adding that this is also happening with Xcode 12.1 store version with BigSur 11.0 Beta (20A5395g)
Did you managed to resolve your issue ?
July 9 2020, I hope I live to see the day.
With Catalina 10.15.3 (19D76) I stopped receiving silent notifications using the alertBody = nil. IOS works fine. Anyone else ?