I was happy to discover this thread, as I've been struggling with a similar issue for a month (My helper process seems to not inherit the the parent entitlements). I would greatly appreciate any insights or guidance.
If I try to inherit the entitlements (following all instructions from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/embedding-a-helper-tool-in-a-sandboxed-app), I have a library validation issue (seeming to indicate that the entitlements aren't inherited).
Launching the binary of the helper app from Terminal runs fine (even with all its sandboxed entitlements). As my helper process currently uses output and error pipes, communicating between Python and Swift's Process(), I'm looking for any method that can preserve similar IPC.
After reading this post, I couldn't determine the method Martin used to launch his helper process.
Do you have any insights on how to successfully launch and maintain such a helper process within the constraints of sandboxing?
If there is anything else I could specify about my setup or use-case, please let me know.
Quick update: This is no longer presently a primary issue, but welcome any thoughts on my Developer ID profile note, if applicable