




Reply to productsign in Big Sur backwards compatibility problem
Today I found a workaround for this annoying issue. Unfortunately I cannot place a link to the relevant webpage here, but using a search engine a document can be found called "Signing a Mac package on Linux". on the homepage. The same steps work on OSX if you build the xar utility using MacPorts on Big Sur and the call that version using /opt/local/bin/xar. Additional requirements are a working .pkg to extract the certificates and a .p12 file of your certificate. Basically xar can be used to do the same thing as productsign but with backwards compatibility. This way we don't need to wait for a fix from Apple. It seems this problem in slightly different form was already present on 10.14 when targetting 10.6.8, but now it is affecting everything up to 10.11.
Dec ’20