




Allows external storage and iOS 12
Anybody facing issues with saving binary data with "Allows external storage" checked in your property? I am just now facing some customer queries why their saved images are disappearing after a while in my app. This used to work just fine in iOS 11. I have been debugging this issue with simMagnifier tool for viewing the Core Data content as well as just checking the contents of iOS 12 simulator directory on macOS.Now I am seeing in simulator that when I set the image property and save the context, image file gets written to _EXTERNAL_DATA -directory but the image field in Core Data stays nil. My app shows the image cause it is saved to managed object context in memory. But once app gets killed and user reopens, the image is not there - cause apparently it was not saved properly in the first place. What on earth is going on and can I do something to make this work or is this just a serious bug on iOS 12?
Oct ’18