




Reply to WatchOS App Review Rejected for UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities
@rwc Im experiencing exactly the same problem App being rejected for the same UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities reason. Also using WatchOS only app template with WKWatchOnly set to TRUE. According to this thread I increased Deployment target from 9.2 (rejected one) to latest 9.4 and now waiting for second review round (I will let you know soon...). But I still can't believe that version is the real case. Isn't it just about being lucky and get competent reviewer assigned or vice versa @Frameworks Engineer ? Also I'v noticed while browsing .xcarchive /Products/Applications/MyApp/Info.plist that there is <key>UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities</key> <array> <string>arm64</string> </array> automatically added to top level project (not in Watch app it self) Isn't this what confuses or prevents reviewers from installation?
Sep ’23
Reply to CMAltimeter reports wrong relativeAltitude values while an active HKWorkoutSession is paused on watchOS
2 years later, watchOS 9.4 and this bug is still not fixed. How typical Apple... If somebody experince this issue you can use raw CMAltitudeData.pressure which is not suffering from this bug and get altitude using this function: func getAltitude(pressureKpa: Double) -> Double { let const = 1013.25 /* Standard atmosphere, or average sea-level pressure in hPa */ let coef = 1.0 / 5.255 return 44330.0 * (1.0 - pow((pressureKpa * 10) / const, coef)) } As constant is used, returned absolute altitude is not precise but can be used for relative measuring instead of buggy CMAltitudeData.relativeAltitude
Apr ’23
Reply to iPhone is busy: Making Apple Watch ready for development
Same here! Always stucked with random message (usually "Waiting for first unlock" which is definitely not the case). Everything on latest version. Did not find any reliable procedure how to recover from this. Just restarting all devices all the time...and it finally somehow happen (Just waiting for 20 mins. also does not work for me). I'm totally disgusted of this, it takes so much time. I used to develop for Android many years an I was always disapointed of the state of the platform. But my appologies to Google! What I see here is unbeliveble...and it is closed ecosystem. Can't imagine how would Apple manage so fragmented platform as Android is...
Oct ’22