




[Unity & Xcode(ARKit, RealityKit) & visionOS] Is it possible to combine a project made with Unity and a project made with Xcode into one app?
Hi, Iā€™m working on a portfolio project for Vision Pro these days. I have two projects and each of projects are made with Unity and made with Xcode(using ARKit and RealityKit tracking feature). Is it able to combine these two projects in an app? For example, using the buttons made with SwiftUI in a Reality Composer Pro, jumping to a scene in Unity, and back from a scene in Unity to a scene in Reality Composer Pro in an app.
[Reality Composer Pro] Is it able playing timeline via Xcode without adding Behaviors component to entities?
Hi! Im making project with Xcode and Reality Composer Pro. I'm trying to play timeline in Reality Composer Pro using codes without setting Behaviors on entities. And I also tried to send notification from Xcode to entities in Reality Composer Pro to play timeline(I already set "OnNotification" with Behaviors component). But it's not working well, and I couldn't figure out any problems. Are there solutions about it?
[ARKit] Is it possible remembering certain room using Room Tracking?
Hi! I'm making content using Room Tracking for vision pro these days. So I searched information about it. Here the links I visited. But I could not found the info I wanted to know Apple ARKit Create enhanced spatial computing experiences with ARKit RoomTrackingProvider I wanna know that if it's possible remembering room structure that recognized before and adding contents in certain world anchor in the room space when user entered the room again? For example, a developer can save the room structure, room info (with room ID) and world anchor of the room with Room Tracking feature. After this, the developer can add entities via Xcode and Reality Composer Pro in certain position of the room to show contents to users when users enter the room. So users can see the contents whenever they visit the room. Is this possible? If there are example codes or projects about it, please let me know.
[ARKit, Reality Composer Pro] Is it possible loading Immersive Scene after recognizing preregistered images?
Hi! I wanna know that if it's possible that loading Immersive Scene after scanning(recognizing) preregistered images or objects? I tried to load the Immersive scene after scanning image and objects, it didn't work well. Please let me know about the solution if it's possible. Here the ImmersiveView.swift code i tried. // ImmersiveView.swift import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent // Using the RealityKitContent module struct ImmersiveView: View { @ObservedObject var viewModel: TrackingViewModel @State private var immersiveScene: Entity? @State private var isToggleOn: Bool = false // Variable for toggle state var body: some View { ZStack { // Overlay RealityView and UI elements RealityView { content in if let scene = immersiveScene { content.add(scene) print("Immersive scene successfully added.") if let moneyGunsEntity = scene.findEntity(named: "MoneyGuns") { name: Notification.Name("RealityKit.NotificationTrigger"), object: nil, userInfo: [ "RealityKit.NotificationTrigger.Scene": scene, "RealityKit.NotificationTrigger.Identifier": "PlayTimeline" ] ) print("PlayTimeline notification sent.") } else { print("MoneyGuns entity not found.") } } } .onAppear { Task { if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "Immersive", in: realityKitContentBundle) { immersiveScene = scene } else { print("Failed to load immersive scene.") } } } VStack { Spacer() Toggle(isOn: $isToggleOn) { // Add toggle button Text("Toggle Option") .foregroundColor(.white) } .padding() .background( .cornerRadius(8) .padding() } } } }
[Reality Composer Pro] How to Enable Entities Mid-Timeline Without Early Appearance?
Hi! I'm using timeline in Reality Composer Pro. I tried to enable entities that were disabled at the beginning of the scene to be enabled in the middle of the Timeline playback using the 'Enable Entities'. But it didn't work well as I imagined. (It was keep appearing before starting Timeline) How do I solve this problem? Are there good solutions about it?
[App synchronization] I have a question about synchronizing Vision Pro app contents.
Hi! I'm creating an app like this: Using Image Tracking to set world anchor in real world first. The timeline in Reality Composer Pro scene needs to be played in same time(for the people in same place using the app). People using the app will see the same contents in same position in same time in same place. I already made Image Tracking feature worked. But the big problem is "Synchronization". I found Group Activities and TabletopKit to solve the problem. But I don't know if this are the right modules for this project. How do I solve this problem technically? If you have ideas, please let me know. I really need help for this.