




TVLockupView : how to apply rounded corners ?
Feedback assistant ID: FB7745765 Description On tvOS12+, when using a TVLockupView with an UIImageView inside an UICollectionViewCell, the property cornerRadius has no effect. If we set clipToBounds to true, the rounded corners appears but we loose the focus effect of the UIImageView. What results I expected: I expected to see rounded corners when define cornerRadius property. What results I actually saw: Rounded corners are not displayed. Conclusion How to apply rounded corners on UICollectionViewCell content on tvOS ? Thanks.
Jun ’20
TVLockupView focusSizeIncrease does not work as described in the documentation
Feedback assistant ID: FB7745746 Description On tvOS12+, when using the TVLockupView, set the focusSizeIncrease is not enough to have a focus effect as described in the documentation. According to Apple Documentation: var focusSizeIncrease: NSDirectionalEdgeInsets { get set } The inset or outset values specifying your content's size increase when in focus. Step by step my app display an horizontal UICollectionView when I focus an UICollectionViewCell that contains a TVLockupView, there is no focus effect. What results I expected A focus effect like described in the documentation. What results I actually saw The TVLockupView object does not expands when it comes into focus. Conclusion Has anyone come across this problem before ? What solution did you apply? Thanks.
Jun ’20
UIContextMenuConfiguration : UI Bug due to cell recycling at the deletion of an item in an UICollectionView
Feedback assistant ID: ***** Description On iOS 13+, when we delete an item of a UICollectionView after presenting a contextual menu with the new API collectionView(_:contextMenuConfigurationForItemAt:point:), there is a bug that briefly display a wrong cell. This bug is particularly visible on an horizontal scroll UICollectionView**. Step by step my app display an horizontal scroll UICollectionView i display the contextual menu with a long press on the item at indexPath(0:3) i delete the item at indexPath(0:3) the delete animation is triggered the cell at indexPath(0:6) (before the delete) appears briefly the cell at indexPath(0:4) (before the delete) takes place at indexPath(0:3) What results I expected I expected that the deletion does not briefly display a wrong cell. What results I actually saw A wrong cell appears briefly during the deletion. Conclusion Has anyone come across this problem before ? What solution did you apply? Thanks.
Jun ’20