Seems you are using many third party frameworks. You should better contact the authors of them.
Please use Code Block (shown as an icon < > with box below the editing area of Your Answer) when you show your code. And you should better not think a few hundred of lines as long, when readers say it is needed.
A complete code.
@testinstadev, Generally, you should better not include two or more different topics in one thread. But you already have it in the local variable extent.
Sorry, but far from complete.
@bawenang.zyrous, why do you think so? There are many cases where sort of bad coding get apparent only in some specific conditions.
I said the dataSource of the table view, so you should enclose this line: tableView.dataSource = self. Anyway, the reason of the crash may not be the one I had in mind. Can you show the complete code to reproduce the issue? Or, at least, the full code of EquipmentListVC and all the used types in it?
Sorry, but I do not see what is happening just reading does not work. You should better start a new thread including your latest code, the expected result and the actual result.
It would be very useful if Apple could show all such restrictions in one place. Maybe we should utilize Feedback Assistant more often.
Now you can find Xcode 13 on the More Downloads pages.
Is it possible? Depends on the server side. With URLSession.dataTask, only the latest data is loaded, only once at the time of call. You may need to find if there is some functionality to tell you when it changes. Or you may need to repeat calling the API. In the latter case, remaining of NowPlaying will give you a good hint when to load again.
You can find one in the More Downloads pages. Xcode 13 beta 5 is found on the top page.
It does not mean it is accessible in the same way as local files, ok?
@chriiiiii, The code shown in Security Engineer's reply compiles without any issues with Xcode 12.5.1. You may be doing something wrong. Better start your own thread.
Seems your expectation is wrong. As you were told in another thread of yours, Date is a locale/timeZone-independent representation of sort of absolute date & time. Its default String representation uses UTC as you found. If you want some timeZone specific date, you need String representation of Date using DateFormatter or use DateComponents, not Date.