Initially, my task was to determine which type of connection is being used at the moment: 5G or 4G. And I found "CTTelephonyNetworkInfo().serviceCurrentRadioAccessTechnology" but there is a problem when the device has more than one sim.
My iPhone has two sims, one physical and one electronic.
I need to determine which one is used to access the network. I tried to use "CTTelephonyNetworkInfo().serviceCurrentRadioAccessTechnology" but it is a dictionary [String: String] that only indicates the connection of each of the cards, and it is not possible to find out which one is active from this dictionary. So how can I determine which of the two cards are currently being used to access the Internet?
I'm trying to instantiate my model and I'm getting an error on the set first property
import Foundation
import SwiftData
@Model final class PointModel {
var x: CGFloat
var y: CGFloat
x: CGFloat,
y: CGFloat
) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
extension PointModel {
static var preview: PointModel {
PointModel(x: 0, y: 0)
let point = PointModel(x: location.x, y: location.y)
get {
_$observationRegistrar.access(self, keyPath: \.x)
return self.getValue(for: \.x)
set {
_$observationRegistrar.withMutation(of: self, keyPath: \.x) {
self.setValue(for: \.x, to: newValue) **Thread 1: Fatal error: Illegal attempt to use a nil as an Attribute - x + 151.0**
Has anyone else experienced this problem?
Maybe someone knows how to solve this?