




App Rejected - Ion-Input Login Issue (2.1.0 App Completeness)
I am using React + Ionic/Capacitor for my iOS app and keep getting my app rejected due to the reviewer being unable to login with my provided credentials. I have tested inputting the credentials using a real device and iOS simulator with no issues (including copy/pasting the provided values). Based on the screenshots provided by the reviewer, my state variables are not being updated as the strings lengths are 0 ("enter both an email and password error") Here is my "Login" page and the relevant TypeScript code: /* React imports */ import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; import { useHistory } from 'react-router'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux" import { setUserState } from '../redux/actions'; /* Ionic/Capacitor */ import { IonContent, IonHeader, IonButton, IonInput, IonItem, IonSpinner, IonList, IonPage, IonLoading, IonTitle, InputChangeEventDetail } from '@ionic/react'; import { useToast } from "@agney/ir-toast"; const LandingPage: React.FC = () => { // state variables const [busy, setBusy] = useState<boolean>(false); const [emailSignIn, setEmailSignIn] = useState(""); const [passwordSignIn, setPasswordSignIn] = useState(""); const [loggingIn, setLoggingIn] = useState<boolean>(false); const Toast = useToast(); const history = useHistory(); // updates emailSignIn state variable on input const updateEmailSignIn = React.useCallback( async (e: CustomEvent<InputChangeEventDetail>) => { const ionInput = e.detail; if (!ionInput) { return; } const input = ionInput.value; setEmailSignIn(input || ""); console.log(input); }, [], ); // updates passwordSignIn state variable on input const updatePassword = React.useCallback( async (e: CustomEvent<InputChangeEventDetail>) => { const ionInput = e.detail; if (!ionInput) { return; } const input = ionInput.value; setPasswordSignIn(input || ""); console.log(input); }, [], ); // REVIEWER IS GETTING THIS ERROR!!!! async function logIn() { if (emailSignIn.trim().length == 0 || passwordSignIn.length == 0) { Toast.error("Enter both an email and a password"); setLoggingIn(false); return; } // handle login with firebase, code excluded } return ( <IonPage className='app-root'> <IonContent> <IonList inset={true} mode='ios' className='sign-in-sign-up-list'> <IonItem mode='ios' > <IonInput clearInput={true} color="transparent" mode='ios' value={emailSignIn} type="email" placeholder="Email" id="emailSignIn" onIonChange={updateEmailSignIn} ></IonInput> </IonItem> <IonItem mode='ios' > <IonInput color="transparent" mode='ios' clearOnEdit={false} value={passwordSignIn} type="password" placeholder="Password" id="passwordSignIn" onIonChange={updatePassword} > </IonInput> </IonItem> <br /> <IonButton mode='ios' onClick={() => { setLoggingIn(true); logIn(); }}>Sign In</IonButton> <br /> <br /> </IonList> </IonContent> </IonPage> ) } export default React.memo(LandingPage); So... I have a few questions: Are the reviewers using a simulator or real device? Why do my state variables update on my end but the reviewer is having login issues? Is it okay to post code here that ISN'T native code but directly related to the app? (I am assuming so but please let me know otherwise).
Oct ’22