




How to use CMHighFrequencyHeartRateData to read the Heart rate data from CoreMotion framework
Hello, As per Apple Documentation Link for CoreMotion framework we can read high frequency heart rate using CMHighFrequencyHeartRateData but there is No way to set the type like heartRate and have a updateHandler to provide the heart rate data. But for Accelerometer data, CoreMotion framework can provide startAccelerometerUpdates(to:, withHandler:) and user can set update interval like accelerometerUpdateInterval using CMMotionManager. But There is no solution available for heartRate. If any solution is available to read heartRate using CMHighFrequencyHeartRateData it will be helpful for me. I know we can read the Heart Rate Data using HealthKit framework using HKAnchoredObjectQuery but the heart rate data is not consistent and startDate & endDate for heart rate data is also not consistent. We want heart rate very frequent like every second. Any help can be appreciated. Thanks in advance
Jun ’24
I wanted to record the audio in the background on the watchOS app and at the same time the user can perform some activity on the same watchOS app
Goal: When user (patient) starts performing any test cycle on watchOS app (test can be anything user can interact with watchOS app). At the same time (Simultaneously) I wanted to record the audio in the background on the watchOS app. As soon as the test cycle is completed. I want to stop the audio recording & then sync the audio data with the backend. I know we can do the audio recording on watchOS app using presentAudioRecorderController (using Voice memo) but it is not allowed to perform the test cycle at the same time. Any help can be appreciated. Thanks in advance
Feb ’22