




How to make a unit test in a swift package with different current locales?
I have a swift package with a function that formats a HKQuantity using the current locale. I want to write a unit test with all locales the package is localized for. I do not want to insert a separate locale parameter, I want to test the function with the current locale as I use the function only with the current locale. Can I set the current locale for this use case in the code somehow? Example: do { let quantity = HKQuantity(unit: unit, doubleValue: 0.955) let result = quantity.formattedAsOxygenSaturation(precision: .better) let expectedResult = "95.5 %" XCTAssertEqual(result, expectedResult) } Thanks!
Nov ’23
How to hide keyboard on tap outside of TextField in SwiftUI?
How to hide keyboard on tap outside of TextField in SwiftUI? SwiftUI on iOS 16 Within a List a Section with a TextField I want to dismiss the keyboard if I tap outside the focused TextField. I thought, searched and found no solution the does this correctly. Either it does not dismiss in all cases or it does dismiss while clicking into the TextField, too. What is the best or a good solution for this problem?
Dec ’22
Best Practice? Core Data with CloudKit and unique elements
I have an app with Core Data with CloudKit. I want to use a unique element among other non-unique elements in that sense that it should be there after installation of an app, but it should be there only once on all devices. Not one separate for each device, it should be the same on all devices. As I do not know whether the app was already installed on another device and maybe not synchronized to iCloud, what would be the best practice to handle such unique elements?
Oct ’21