"why swiping to Desktop 2 ?"
Not enough screen real estate. I work off a laptop and optionally sidecar an iPad. Desktop 1 for code, Desktop 2 for Browser, Email, etc.
var tasks = Set<Task<Void, Never>>()
So, the Apple button example for @State has no real utility as a button.
To be honest, I find a View's ability to interleave (procedural) state with (declarative) layout and gestures to be rather complex.
Currently, am using a MVVM pattern; a combination of Model, ViewModel (or Vm), and View. The Vm is passed as an @ObservedObject and receives the View's .onAppear and .onChange messages. This eliminates the View's need for @State, @Binding, and @StateObject. So, the Vm focuses on the state machine, while the View focuses on layout and dispatching gestures.
A Vm class can also persist and synchronize across devices, such as iWatch-iPhone-iPad-AppleTv-SharePlay, etc. But, maybe there is a better way of accomplishing the same goals with a self modifying struct. I dunno; still trying to wrap my head around the best approach.
The " Streaming an AR Experience" sample code works on two devices (haven't tried simulator). It actually is much smoother on only Bluetooth; chokes on WiFi. In fact, I found your post while search on how to make MultiPeerConnectivity exclusive on Bluetooth.
I have a bare bones app to test Session and Streaming APIs here: https://github.com/musesum/MultiPeer -- maybe that would help
@royascuder, thanks for the reply. Took me a while to realize that the red text was source code highlighting, here are the steps:
Current Xcode version from AppStore? Yes; XCode 14.3.1, plus current MacOS from AppStore
Install any relevant Components? Failed; this is the stated problem
Manually support Device files? Not available, iPadOS 17 not on the usual GitHub repo.
Use Xcode 15.0 Beta? Failed; does not appear in Devices Windows (XCode > Window > Devices & Simulator)
Reset Trust Settings on iPad / Trust this Computer? Yes. Shows up in XCode 14.3.1, but not XCode 15.0
Switch USB C Ports (as per another Thread)? Yes. No changes
Reboot? Yes, all devices, and restarted 14.3.1 with 15.0 running in extensions
Minimum Mac requirements? Yes; MBP M1 Max
Reinstall XCode? Yes for 15, not yet for 14.3.1, which would be painful.
Clear derived Data? Yes.
Several betas ago, a similar device update issue was resolved automatically, perhaps a server issue?
I am developing specifically for iPad Pro's Pencil + Camera + Midi input. So, Simulator is not an option.
Since 2019, I've gone Digital Nomad; am in Bali. Before then, I had every single Apple iDevice since original iPhone, iPad, Watch etc. But, going nomadic means relying on a minimal setup. This is a common use case. Have met dozens of developers like me, here.
For Indonesia, you have to register devices over $600. Many of us here are on long term single entry visas. Flying to Singapore to buy a redundant iPad to fix a problem that will probably be resolved in a few days if not weeks is problematic. Expect a lost week of development. Plus, you have to restart the immigration hassle. For digital nomads, redundant devices is problematic. Again, this is a common use case. Perhaps, Apple should adjust.
Is this my problem or Apple's problem? Kinda both.
Apple's Problem: The Device Support File issue seems to reoccur for initial betas.
My Problem: I usually wait until after the first Beta update. Oops!
Am going all-in on VisionOS. I suspect that iPadOS 17 will be essential.
So, how to get Device Support of iPadOS 17 beta? Or, worst case: revert back to iPadOS 16?
Maybe it works, my config:
iPad Pro 11"
iPadOS 17 Beta 2
Xcode 15 Beta 2
MacBook Pro 13.4.1
In manage Run Destinations [+] Apple Vision Pro (not any VisionOS Simulator Device)
=> Wait for download and Run
I can only partially confirm, as am getting a runtime error at UIScreen.main.displayLink(withTarget: self, selector: #selector(nextFrames))
So, at least it is running on my iPad.
Good luck!
Posted solution is not the solution. See, below.
Fixed by using
. MacOS 13.4.1
. Xcode 15 beta 2
. iPadOS 17 Beta 2
Same problem with XCode 15 Betas (up to 5 15A5209g) and iPadOS 17 Betas (up to 21A5291h)
[update] My CDDisplayLink kept firing when Scene was inactive. Here is the workaround:
class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate {
func sceneDidBecomeActive(_ scene: UIScene) {
NextFrame.shared.pause = false
func sceneWillResignActive(_ scene: UIScene) {
NextFrame.shared.pause = true
// ...
public class NextFrame {
public init() {
link = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(nextFrames))
// ...
@objc func nextFrames() -> Bool {
guard !pause else { return false }
// ...
DId you find something? I posted a duplicate request, here: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/735040
Sorry for delay. Wound up using a UIHostingController and doing a custom hitTest, within a SwiftUI view model. This is within a MVVM architecture. Going deeper is rather complex and may change for xrOS. Any, here's the starting point clue:
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
pipeline.makeShader(for: root˚)
pipeline.settingUp = false
let touchView = SkyTouchView(touchDraw) // UIKit
let menuView = MenuView(SkyFlo.shared.root˚, touchView) // SwiftUI
let hostView = UIHostingController(rootView: menuView).view
if let hostView {
hostView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
hostView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor).isActive = true
hostView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
hostView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leftAnchor).isActive = true
hostView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.rightAnchor).isActive = true
hostView.backgroundColor = .clear
There is example code from Warren Moore found here
using Apple's low level C API found here
Thanks warrenm!
However, I find the C++/ObjC++ APIs with super_long_snake_case_names to be obscure and non-idiomatic. So, am attempting to port to Swift. Already filed a Feedback requesting Swift APIs (FB12879060). And will post a separate question on some blockers in my attempt to refactor into idiomatic Swift.
As for
From modifications to warrenm example (see above)
am calling
private func runWorldTrackingARSession() async {
guard let arSession else { return err("arSession") }
try? await arSession.run([worldTracking]) //WorldTrackingProvider
passing through the arSession and worldTracking via
public func SpatialRenderer_InitAndRun(_ layerRenderer: LayerRenderer,
_ arSession: ARKitSession,
_ worldTracking: WorldTrackingProvider) {
let renderThread = RenderThread(layerRenderer, arSession, worldTracking)
renderThread.name = "Spatial Renderer Thread"
called from
struct FullyImmersiveMetalApp: App {
@State var session = ARKitSession() //??
@State var worldTracking = WorldTrackingProvider() //??
init() {}
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
ImmersiveSpace(id: "ImmersiveSpace") {
CompositorLayer(configuration: MetalLayerConfiguration()) { layerRenderer in
SpatialRenderer_InitAndRun(layerRenderer, session, worldTracking)
}.immersionStyle(selection: .constant(.full), in: .full)
All swift code compile but fails at runtime. Probably in another code block. YMMV
Full port of C++ to Swift is working. Code is here
Thanks to Warren Moore for C++ version.