




Comment on CustomMaterial in RealityKit visionOS?
Is there anything functionally equivalent in RealityComposer shader graph? I am rendering a cellular automata that double buffers a texture, where the output texture of one frame becomes the input texture of the next frame. This implies either custom [[visible]] void myShader(realitykit::surface_parameters params) { } circular reference in the shader node graph that can flip textures per frame callout to a Compositor.Layer renderer
Oct ’23
Comment on iPadOS 17 "Could not locate device support files"
TL;DR - erase hard drive. Reset won't work. Will revert production (non-beta) over internet. Upgrade to MacOS 14 overrides MacOS 13.4 on internal hard drive. So, reset will clear out everything and start from the internal MacOS 14 install image. Apple support suggest swapping out hard drive. But, in Bali, that would take two weeks or a flight to Singapore. So, we experimented with erasing the hard drive. At that point, the workflow reverted to MacOS 13.4 install from internet Success!
Jun ’23