




Tensorflow crashes every time I fit a model
I did a clean install of Python (v. 3.10), then Tensorflow & Tensorflow-Metal following exactly the process stated in Apple's plugin support page. Now, every time I run ANY python code with Tensorflow it crashes in the instruction. It does not matter what I feed into it, even code that used to run perfectly on my previous MacBook (Intel)... I've researched ad-vomitum for answers but Apple washes it's hands stating that is Tensorflow and Tensorflow does the same. Fact is that exactly the same code runs flawlessly on my Windows NVIDIA PC setup. I purchased the m3 laptop with the hope of having the possibility to train my neural networks "on the go"... now I lost $5,000 usd, I can't make it work, and is a total disaster. I am extremely competent in Python development and have been developing neural networks for years. So if you are going to comment, please avoid suggestions like "check your Python version" etc. - This is DEFINITIVELY due to the m3 Mac. Exact same setup is working OK on an M1-Ultra Mac Studio. It is just not portable... Does anyone have any specific advice on how to make a proper setup of Tensorflow for the Mac M3??
Jan ’24
Help!!! How to eliminate the ">" nav link symbol from list items?
Have spent 2 hours on this without success, and have not found any info on-line. I've put together a list of items (regular swiftui list) and when I add a Navigation Link, it modifies the list item view to add a ">" symbol to the right of the list item. This is the current code from the list view (calls a sub-view - that works perfect, but I don't want the ">" symbol appearing on each item. List ($viewModel.teams) { Team in NavigationLink(destination: GroupMembersView(user: user, team: Team)) { GroupsCellView(team: Team) }.buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle()) }.listStyle(.plain) Here is a picture of the nav view & undesired symbol (symbol appears on the right hand side of every item in list): How can I remove this symbol? -thanks!
Feb ’22