I'm writing a SpriteKit game in Swift that does this familiar dance in my GameScene touchesEnded(...)...
let touch = touches.first!.location(in: self)
let nodes = self.nodes(at: touch)
...but sometimes when the game is running, the nodes collection is empty, even though there are clearly, visibly nodes under the touch. All of the nodes I care about are children of a single SKNode, MapNode, that is one of two children of the GameScene.
After a bunch of debugging, I've noticed that when this problem happens, something is causing calculateAccumulatedFrame() to return a frame that is way, way smaller than the real bounds of MapNode.
When the scene begins, calculateAccumulatedFrame() is perfect, but something that happens later on breaks it. I've tried adding a node to MapNode that is the correct size to 'force' calculateAccumulatedFrame to do the right thing, but this doesn't work.
Is there something obvious I am doing wrong, or some common pitfalls? Is there some way to force calculateAccumulatedFrame to return this correct size?