Maybe I didn't find the relevant instructions.
In my code, I only want to get the first 7 elements.
At present, my code is as follows:
@Query(sort:\, order: .reverse) private var records:[Record]
But I wonder if once the number of records is large, will it affect the efficiency?
In View, it is enough for me to count the first 7 elements in records. What should I do?
Maybe I didn't find the relevant instructions.
In my code, I only want to get the first 7 elements.
At present, my code is as follows:
@Query(sort:\, order: .reverse) private var records:[Record]
But I wonder if once the number of records is large, will it affect the efficiency?
In View, it is enough for me to count the first 7 elements in records. What should I do?
Hello all.
This is my code snippet.
.tabItem {
Label("Record List", systemImage: "list.clipboard")
When I export localizations, there is no Record List in the .xcloc file.
Then I use LocalizedStringKey for Label and export localizations file, the code is as follows:
let RecordsString:LocalizedStringKey = "Tab.Records"
.tabItem {
Label(RecordsString, systemImage: "list.clipboard")
There is still no Tab.Records.