




Reply to Your enrollment could not be completed
Hello - got same issue in August. Called support few times - could not help and just said me to "wait". Not cool but that's what I did and re-tried mid Octobre or so and YEAH it worked. Didn't change anything, didn't try any fancy trick. My theory is that they have some sort of limitation in the validation team (which is composed of humans, not only powerfull algorithms) and that at some point there might be too much developpers in front of a Validator guy. So they let you wait that some guyz leave the Apple dev community before getting new ones in. Just my 2cents of course ... :-) Anyway : fixed.
Nov ’20
Reply to Your enrollment in the Apple Developer Program could not be completed at this time.
(from Belgium) Same story than many here. Initial enrollment attempt I had the chance to enter adress details, etc, and only got the infamous message at the end. Email support said me they flushed some stuffs and I should try again. As of then, I get the error message just after accepting the general conditions (never had the chance to enter things like adress anymore) - and silent Email support. Opened a new complain - per phone - and basically got the message that indeed ... there was nothing to do and there was no hope. The Operator had all options about my account "greyed" and could not do nothing. I just have to wait gently. Great. Will call again today or tomorrow.
Aug ’20