




Reply to Creating and Viewing Immersive Video Locally on Vision Pro
Could you please confirm my understanding? To create an immersive 180 VR movie (similar to Apple TV), we would utilize our 180 VR SBS videos and convert them to MV-HEVC format, as demonstrated in the Apple sample code. However, we would adjust the kVTCompressionPropertyKey_HorizontalFieldOfView to 180 degrees. This video would appear distorted when played in Finder or Photos. However, with a dedicated MV-HEVC immersive player app, the video would display as expected. If this is correct, I am curious why the Apple Photos app or Finder Quicklook does not offer the ability to play such media with proper playback. Additionally, Apple TV immersive videos can be played without the immersive mode, which aligns with my expectations for Finder Quicklook as well.
Nov ’24
Reply to How to set the holding priority with NavigationSplitView
Is there a solution for this problem. I have the same problem. navigationsplitviewcolumnwidth(_:) does not have any effect on the detail content. My assumption is more and more that detail is not considered to be used as an inspector panel. To archive this we may have to implement a separate overlay. Would be great to hear someone from Apple to clarify or give a solution for this. Thanks.
Jun ’22