Hi! Your code seems correct to me. Can you file a bug with a sysdiagnose? It's possible this is an issue in the system code.
Hi! It looks like you are hitting a bug in the flow which will need to be fixed on the Messages side. The fix will come out in a future update. Sorry about that! On the bright side, at least you are implementing it correctly.
Thank you for filing feedback!
If you have the entitlement and the SWCollaborationMetadata, Messages should show the right thing, so there must be something going wrong elsewhere. Could I ask you to file a report on Feedback Assistant (https://feedbackassistant.apple.com) with a sysdiagnose attached, and then provide the ID number here? You may also want to install a Logging Profile first to make your sysdiagnose more actionable (https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/) - the Messages profile will likely be useful here.