




Image Anchoring Not Working Outside Reality Composer/Reality Composer Pro
Hi everyone, I’m having trouble with image anchoring when working on a project in Reality Composer and Reality Composer Pro. Here’s the issue: 1. What I’m Trying to Achieve: I want to create an AR scene where an object anchors to an image I provide. I don't want to create an app for this but just use the USDZ File the Scene creates. The USDZ File then should be viewable via the various integrations of AR Quick Look across the Apple Ecosystem. The image anchoring works perfectly when I preview the scene inside Reality Composer using AR mode. 2. The Problem: When I export the project (tried both USDZ and Reality formats) and open it on my iPhone using the Files app (which uses AR Quick Look), the image anchoring no longer works. The object doesn’t anchor to the provided image as expected. It just anchors to the first plane it recognizes and not the image. 3. What I’ve Tried: Exporting the scene in USDZ format. Exporting the scene in Reality format. Both formats result in the same issue: no image anchoring outside of the Reality Composer environment. Trying different images but all resulting in same manor that the image anchoring is not working Tried different iOS Version but resulting in the same issue 4. Current Setup: Reality Composer Pro version: 2.0 iPhone model: iPhone 13 Pro iOS version: 18.1. 5. What I Need Help With: Is there a way to ensure image anchoring works in exported files when opened via AR Quick Look? Do I need to configure something specific during the export process? Are there limitations in AR Quick Look that prevent image anchoring from functioning correctly? Do i need to create an app to make this work? I’d appreciate any advice or insights from the community. If anyone has experience with similar issues or knows of a workaround, please let me know! Thanks in advance, Mav
Dec ’24