




XCode 16 - Wifi debugging failed
Hi Apple Developer and DTS team, I facing a big problem when develop the application that trying to connect to WAC firmware (iOT device). When I debugging the the application, the real device switch internet connection to WAC wifi, and my XCode will showing as failed. The problem here when I trying to back to old network and trying to build again. the XCode will stuck on building with multiple installing application. Actually I seen that the XCode do not cancel old installing build. That issue not appears on XCode 15.4 with same source code. I belive that issue come from the bad internet connection. And now XCode 16 disable to turn off WIFI build as: That why I can't select the build and debugging the app over cable anymore. My question is: How I can disable WIFI debugging? Because my wifi debug not stable when I developing the application over WAC device. How I can cancelling the installing actions of XCode to build new one? Best Regards, A ****** iOS Developer guy. [Personal Information Edited by Moderator]
Oct ’24