My solution:I opened the csv file with visual studio code to have a look at the raw csv and then I found the issue: the values were separated with semicolons and not commas... This was caused by opening the csv with Numbers and exporting the csv. Replacing the semicolons with commas, the feature are now recognised.This documentation helped me to understand what's going on under the hood of the Create ML App:
Since I needed some time to figure the implementation out, here is a code example from my workout app "Progression" on how to handle the duration limits:
private func createAndStoreHealthKitWorkout(start: Date, end: Date, workoutName: String) {
let device = HKDevice(name: UIDevice.current.localizedModel,
manufacturer: Constants.deviceManufacturer,
model: UIDevice.current.localizedModel,
hardwareVersion: modelIdentifier(),
firmwareVersion: nil,
softwareVersion: UIDevice.current.systemVersion,
localIdentifier: nil,
udiDeviceIdentifier: nil)
let maximumAllowedWorkoutDuration = 345600.0
let endDate: Date
if #available(iOS 13, *) {
let timeIntervalAdjustedForMinimumLimit = HKObjectType.workoutType().isMinimumDurationRestricted ?
) : end.timeIntervalSince(start)
let timeIntervalAdjustedForDurationLimits = HKObjectType.workoutType().isMaximumDurationRestricted ?
) : timeIntervalAdjustedForMinimumLimit
endDate = Date(timeInterval: timeIntervalAdjustedForDurationLimits, since: start)
} else {
endDate = Date(timeInterval: maximumAllowedWorkoutDuration, since: start)
let workoutEntry = HKWorkout(
activityType: .traditionalStrengthTraining,
start: start,
end: endDate,
workoutEvents: nil,
totalEnergyBurned: nil,
totalDistance: nil,
totalSwimmingStrokeCount: nil,
device: device,
metadata: [Constants.workoutNameMetadataKey: workoutName]
healthStore?.save(workoutEntry, withCompletion: { (_, _) in })
Hope I saved someones time.
Note that the hardcoded "maximumAllowedWorkoutDuration" (probably not needed for <iOS 13 versions) is the limit for workout object types.
Make sure you set the .text value to nil in prepareForReuse when using UITextView within a Cell. In my case not setting UITextView.text to nil somehow caused some inconsistency issues regarding "pos" when pasting text, leading to a crash.